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Digital Signature
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Digital Signature

Get A Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature

what is DSC

A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) validates and certifies the identity of a person. It leverages public key encryptions to create the signatures. A DSC includes information about the user's name, e-mail address, pin code, country, and date of issuance. It offers the highest level of security and reduces cost and time.


Benefits of a Digital Signature Certificate

Apart from authenticating the certificate holder’s identity, DSC helps in the following ways:

Time-saving and cost-saving:
Digital signatures ensure a smoother workflow in an organization by limiting the time and cost spent on signing documents and contracts. Documents can be signed by the required persons in a click of a button. This is especially useful when the signer is located in a different area and there is no dependency for him/her to be physically present.

Enhanced security:
Added security features in DSC prevents unauthorised use of your document and data. No one can fake your signature, tamper the data or alter your document. DSC ensures your signature is valid, verified and legitimate.

Legal validity:
According to the Information Technology Act, 2000, a DSC is accepted evidence in any court of law similar to the acceptance of any signed document.

Global acceptance:
Apart from government bodies like GST, MCA, Income Tax, etc., a DSC is being accepted in all the countries across the world as it offers greater security. DSC is important for companies looking to take part in government tenders.

Types of dsc

Class 2:
Similar to Class 1, Class 2 certificate is issued to both the entities - businesses and private subscribers for confirmation of information in the database. It is used during monetary transactions or to access one’s personal information, and for other transactions, where there is a substantial risk of malicious activity. Also, Class 2 is used to file various government forms in India.


Class 3:
Class 3 certificate is an upgraded version of Class 2. It is issued to individuals and organisations that want to participate in bidding for government tenders or online tenders and auctions. Sometimes the applicants may be expected to be physically present before the CAs to receive a Class 3 certificate. Class 3 signatures are relevant to environments that are prone to data theft, fraudulence and failure of security.

What You Need To Know

Video recording: You will receive a video link to your registered mobile number and email address, where you need to record your personal information like name, DOB, etc. and send it to us.


SMS: You will then receive an SMS with the DSC application ID and a mobile number to which you need to reply with your DSC application ID, name, mobile number and email ID.

Documents For Digital Signature

Applicant Photo
Shop or Business Address Proof

Business legal document
ID Proof
PAN Card
Adhar Card 


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