ESIC Registration
ESIC Registration
Get insure your every
employee under ESIC
ESIC Registration
what is esic
ESI is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. Employee's State Insurance (ESI) is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. .
The scheme provides full medical cover to the employee registered under the ESI Act, 1948 during the period of his incapacity, restoration of his health and working capacity.
It provides financial assistance to compensate for the loss of his/ her wages during the period of his absenteeism due to sickness, maternity and employment injury. This scheme provides medical claim to his/her family members also.
Who requires ESIC Registration?
ESI Registration is mandatory for every factory and specified establishments who have 10 or more permanent employees and wages of such employees are less than Rs. 21,000/- per month
Is it mandatory for the Employer to register under the scheme?
Yes, it is the statutory responsibility of the employer under Section 2A of the Act read with Regulation 10-B, to register their Factory/ Establishment under the ESI Act within 15 days from the date of its applicability to them.
Definition of Establishment
According to the notification issued by the appropriate Government (Central/State) under Section 1(5) of the Act, the following establishments employing 10 or more persons attract ESI registration coverage
Hotels or restaurants not having any manufacturing activity, but only engaged in 'sales';
Cinemas including preview theaters;
Road Motor Transport Establishments;
Newspaper establishments. (that is not covered as a factory under Sec.2(12));
Private Educational Institutions (those run by individuals, trustees, societies or other organizations and Medical Institutions (including Corporate, Joint Sector, trust, charitable, and private ownership of hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic centers, pathological labs).

What You Need To Know
In case of any non-compliance by an employer, such as failure to get esic employer registration online or not fulfilling esi return filing procedure, he shall be liable for a fine of INR 10,000/-.
Documents For ESIC Registration
Applicant Photo
Shop or Business Address Proof
ID Proof
PAN Card
Adhar Card
Cancelled Cheque